February is American Heart Month

Heart Health
February 9, 2024
Kramer Physical Therapy Massage
Ten great reasons to get a massage.
February 29, 2024

❤️February is American Heart Month.❤️ This is a time when all people—especially women—are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health.

Hera are a few ways that physical therapy can help.

1️⃣Tailored Exercise Programs: Our physical therapists design personalized exercise regimens to improve cardiovascular health, incorporating aerobic activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises to enhance heart function and circulation.

2️⃣Education and Lifestyle Guidance: We offer valuable insights on heart-healthy habits. By empowering patients with knowledge, we promote sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term heart health.

3️⃣Monitoring and Progress Tracking: Through regular assessments and monitoring, we track progress and adjust treatment plans accordingly. Whether recovering from a cardiac event or managing a chronic condition, our therapists provide ongoing support to optimize heart health outcomes.

At Kramer Physical Therapy, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain a healthy heart for a vibrant life! As always, please consult your health care team before beginning any new exercise program.
